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Photo credit: L. Alexander - Innisfree Bog Garden





On January 26th, 1914, the Millbrook Garden Club was officially founded.


  • Joined Garden Club of America

  • MGC launched its first civic effort – a children’s tent caterpillar contest in which nests were collected and awards given. The first year’s winner, Vollmer Fries, collected 12,800 cases.

    Today, the Vollmer Fries Award is given to a member who demonstrates a commendable commitment to the club’s goals of promoting conservation and civic improvement.



During World War I, MGC members formed a canning committee, organized food drives, and donated their gardens and farmland to raise vegetables for residents of Millbrook.


Soon after the war ended and to celebrate the peace, MGC created "The Tribute Garden" in Millbrook and a tree was planted for each person in Millbrook who served in the armed forces.


In the 1930’s, MGC President Mrs. Helen Thorne provided the financial support and organizational leadership to California’s Save the Redwoods League. Consequently, the first grove of trees was dedicated to her.


In 1937, Rose DuPont Donaldson moved with her husband to Deep Hollow Farm in Millbrook. Upon arrival, she immediately cultivated a garden of native plants.  She was the motivating force behind the native plant garden at New York Botanical Gardens.
Trailing Arbutus: Loved to Death?


Angela Place, President of MGC and President of GCA from 1947 to 1950, personally gave a check to President Truman for the National Arboretum.


Mrs. Clement Ford, a member of MGC, donated her property in Sharon to the National Audubon Society and the MGC. Today the MGC and its volunteers maintain the Sharon Audubon Society’s Pollinator Garden.


MGC was responsible for eliminating all overhead wires along Franklin Avenue in Millbrook by either burying or relocating them to back lanes. In addition, twenty-seven trees were planted on Franklin Avenue.


MGC spearheads a campaign to stop a toxic waste plant from being built in Sharon, CT and is successful.



In conjunction with GCA’s Centennial celebration, Arete Warren, Chair of GCA’s Library Committee, organized a show of rare old books of botanical art entitled Gardening by the Book: Celebrating 100 Years of the Garden Club of America. 



In celebrating its Centennial year, MGC donated a pair of gates at the entrance to the field where historic Twin Oaks stood in Sharon. They feature sculptures honoring the two fallen trees, carved from their wood by sculptor Brenda Hall.
Sharon Land Trust - Twin Oaks Preserve


MGC Celebrates its Centennial


MGC led a campaign to educate the community about the harmful effects that synthetic lawn chemicals have on children, pets, groundwater, and soil that resulted in over 3,000 local acres becoming permanently chemical free.


Congratulations to Millbrook Garden Club. Led by their Conservation Chair Lea Cornell they have pledged close to 3,000 acres. They are leaders in their community and in their region, protecting the drinking water for many, many families. Thank you MGC!
In the photo: wearing MGC aprons; Maureen Bateman, Lea Cornell and Claire Reid with a newly pledged Millbrook resident and bookstore owner Kira Wizner.




With funds from the Civic Improvement Committee, MGC purchased and donated three tulip trees to Millbrook Early Childhood Education Center (MECEC). These trees will help to bring shade to the playground.


Mrs. Hatch of Cobble Pond Farm in Sharon, CT, is the club's first member from CT.  Today half the club's membership lives in CT. Previous MGC President Kathy Metz owns Cobble Pond Farm. 


We all love the natural world and, through our own involvement, fundraising, and civic engagement, are committed to maintaining the natural beauty of the area. 

MGC has supported numerous worthy organizations over many years and welcomes first-time requests as well.

Internal documents are posted here, as well as photo galleries, directories, archival documentation and meeting minutes.